All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 87 in total

What is the Future of the Motion Design Industry? (w/ EJ Hassenfratz)

Matt and Shelby sat down with EJ Hassenfratz wo chat about the future of the motion design industry and the impact of AI. The guests discuss the potential of AI in mot...

Can You Make $200k a Year as a Freelancer? (w/ Austin Saylor)

Matt and Shelby had Austin Saylor on the show to discuss how he was able to make $200k in a year as a freelancer. What were his steps and what made him successful? How...

What Holds Small Studios Back From Reaching Their Full Potential? (w/ Joel Pilger)

In this episode, Matt and Shelby discuss the challenges that small studios face in reaching their full potential and are joined by Joel Pilger, a creative consultant. ...

What Should You Be Focusing On In Your Creative Career?

In this episode, Matt and Shelby discuss the challenges of staying focused as a creative and knowing what ideas to pursue. They explore the concept of being easily dis...

What Should You Do When You're Feeling Creatively Stagnant?

In this conversation, Matt and Shelby discuss what to do when feeling creatively stagnant. They explore the importance of taking breaks, both relaxing and adventurous,...

If You Had One Shot... Would You Capture It or Just Let It Slip?

In this conversation, Matt and Shelby discuss the concept of seizing opportunities and taking risks. They reflect on their own experiences and how they have created op...

What Are the Big Challenges Affecting Studios Right Now? (w/ Amanda Russell)

The main theme of the conversation is the challenges affecting studios, particularly in relation to AI and the economy. Amanda highlights the lack of control over budg...

How Do You Position Your Brand to Find Your Niche Audience? (w/ Shawna Poliziani)

In this episode, Matt, Shelby, and guest Shawna Poliziani discuss the importance of finding your niche audience and positioning your brand. They explore the role of em...

What is the Best Business Model for Creatives?

In this episode, Matt and Shelby discuss the best business model for creatives. They explore different models such as standard employment, freelance, and the agency mo...

How Do You Build a Successful Marketing Strategy for Brands? (w/ Jess Fogal)

In this episode, the Matt and Shelby discuss building a successful marketing strategy and the importance of storytelling and empathy with their guest, Jess Fogal. Jess...

What Should be the Roles and Tasks of a Creative Producer? (w/ Katie Weger)

"What do producers even do?" Well, in addition to having Shelby (co-host and producer) on the show, we also brought on Kate Weger, our other producer at Made By Things...

How Do You Run a Profitable Creative Business and Still Have Fun?

"You ever just feel lost?" That was the how a question from one of our listeners started. And with a question so big and so relatable to so many creatives, you know we...

How Can Artists Avoid Being Exploited? (w/ Kevin Rapp)

"You should be grateful that you get to do what you love everyday." "It's not about the money." Sure, as creatives, we are grateful and we probably didn't get into thi...

Where Do You See The Creative Industry in 5-10 Years? (w/ Mack Garrison)

By this point, I'm sure we've all seen the latest updates to AI and the realistic video it can produce. So what does that mean for the creative industry? What will it ...

Why is Running a Creative Business So Damn Hard?

Why is running a creative business to damn hard? The creative industry is constantly evolving and it can be challenging to know when your business should evolve with i...

How Do You Know When It's Time to Innovate Within Your Creative Business?

How do you know when it's time to switch things up in a creative business? The industry is ever-changing and we are all currently in a period of transition. So what do...

How Do You Create a Stand-Out Portfolio?

How do you create a stand out portfolio? Is there one trick that will make you rise above the other applicants? How do you make sure you're the one called back for an ...

What Level of Communication Should You Expect from Freelancers? (w/ Jeremy Thibodeau)

When it comes to working with freelancers, it can be tough to clearly define how quickly they should respond and how often they should send updates. Is an appropriate ...

How Do You Tell a Client They're Wrong?

How do you tell a client that they're wrong? No one ever wants to, but the sign of a healthy client relationship is being able to talk through any issues that might ar...

How Do You Get Back to Work After the Holidays?

What Were Your 2023 Goals and What's Coming in 2024?

It's that time of year where we reflect on the past 12 months, the goals we made in January, how we did on those goals, and what the next year will look like. On this ...

How Do You Start a Personal Project?

How do you make time for personal creative projects and how do you decide which one to pursue? On this week's episode of The CMD-Z Show, we discuss our processes when ...

How Do You Have a Creative Career with a Disability? (w/ Jeffery Lawson)

We have a very special episode of The CMD-Z Show this week with a topic that doesn't recieve enough discussion. We sat down to chat with Jeffery Lawson about having a ...

How Do You Negotiate Pricing?

A subject no one likes to bring up to their clients... pricing and budgets. How do you start the conversation and how do you negotiate once it's been brought up? How d...

Do Studio Owners Work on Creative Projects?

This week we're answering what has been our most-asked question as of late... Do studio owners ever work on creative projects? From time management to finding new crea...

Why is it So Hard to Find a Job in the Creative Industry Right Now?

On this week's episode of The CMD-Z Show, we are going back to our roots and answering the question, "Why is it so difficult to find jobs in the creative industry righ...

What Would You Undo? (w/ CJ Casciotta)

On this week's episode of The CMD-Z Show, we sat down with CJ Casciotta to discuss his new book, "The Forgotten Art of Being Ordinary: A Human Manifesto in the Age of ...

What Would You Undo? (w/ Kevin Rapp)

Aaaaand welcome back to The CMD-Z Show! On this week's epsiode Shelby and I sit down with Founder and Chief Creative Officer Kevin Rapp to talk about some of his "undo...

What Would You Undo? - With Mack Garrison

Another week, another new episode of The CMD-Z Show. And we're thrilled to share our first guest of this new season. Let's welcome Mack Garrison to the studio!Mack is ...

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